Universal Time: 08:35  |  Local Time: 01:35 (-4h GMT)
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07:00 - 08:00 |  Breakfast, Posters and Exhibition
07:00-08:00 07:00 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Breakfast, Posters & Exhibits
08:00 - 09:10 |  Welcome and Plenary 3
08:00-08:10 08:00 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View The State of CSE

Sharon Mulvagh, Canada
The State of CSE
Sharon Mulvagh, Canada
The State of CSE
Igal A. Sebag, Canada
The State of CSE
Igal A. Sebag, Canada
The State of CSE
08:10-09:10 08:10 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View What's New in VHD

Philippe Pibarot, Canada
Aortic Stenosis
Philippe Pibarot, Canada
Aortic Stenosis
Wendy Tsang, Canada
New Guidelines for Prosthetic Valve Evaluation
Wendy Tsang, Canada
New Guidelines for Prosthetic Valve Evaluation
Anthony DeMaria, United States
Systemic Approach to Multivalvular Disease
Anthony DeMaria, United States
Systemic Approach to Multivalvular Disease
09:10 - 10:10 |  Plenary 4
09:10-10:10 09:10 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View Bread and Butter in the Echo Lab

Rami Abazid, Canada
The Additive Value of Repeated Transthoracic Echocardiography Within One-Week Interval to Rule Out Infective Endocarditis in Patients with Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia
Rami Abazid, Canada
The Additive Value of Repeated Transthoracic Echocardiography Within One-Week Interval to Rule Out Infective Endocarditis in Patients with Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia
Lawrence Lau, Canada
Endocarditis. What Should I Look For?
Lawrence Lau, Canada
Endocarditis. What Should I Look For?
Sarah Ramer, Canada
45-Year-Old With ?TIA/Stroke. What's Important? What's Not?
Sarah Ramer, Canada
45-Year-Old With ?TIA/Stroke. What's Important? What's Not?
Allan Klein, United States
Pericardial Disease: Constriction vs Restriction
Allan Klein, United States
Pericardial Disease: Constriction vs Restriction
10:10 - 10:30 |  Nutrition Break – Poster Sessions and Exhibition
10:10-10:30 10:10 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Nutrition Break
10:15 - 11:30 |  Learning Labs 1
10:15-11:30 10:15 St-Laurent 5 St-Laurent 5 Learning Labs 1A: 3D - The Left Heart (Philips)

Jean Buithieu, Canada
Learning Lab 1A: 3D - The Left Heart (Philips)
Jean Buithieu, Canada
Learning Lab 1A: 3D - The Left Heart (Philips)
Jacobo Moreno Garijo, Canada
Jacobo Moreno Garijo, Canada
Jan Ainslie, Canada
Jan Ainslie, Canada
10:15-10:30 10:15 St-Laurent 6 St-Laurent 6 Learning Labs 1B: Strain - The Left Heart (GE)

Michael Chetrit, Canada
Learning Lab1B: Strain - The Left Heart (GE)
Michael Chetrit, Canada
Learning Lab1B: Strain - The Left Heart (GE)
François Tournoux, Canada
Learning Lab 1B: Strain - The Left Heart (Philips)
François Tournoux, Canada
Learning Lab 1B: Strain - The Left Heart (Philips)
Jeroen Bax, Netherlands
Learning Lab 1B: Strain - The Left Heart (GE)
Jeroen Bax, Netherlands
Learning Lab 1B: Strain - The Left Heart (GE)
10:30 - 11:30 |  Plenary 5
10:30-11:30 10:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View Assessment of Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: Highlights from a Modular Teaching Program

Heather Cooley, Canada
Assessment of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Obstruction
Heather Cooley, Canada
Assessment of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Obstruction
Patrick Garceau, Canada
Assessment of the Mitral Valve and Advanced Features in HOCM
Patrick Garceau, Canada
Assessment of the Mitral Valve and Advanced Features in HOCM
Kibar Yared, Canada
When Echo is Not Enough – Role of Multimodality Imaging
Kibar Yared, Canada
When Echo is Not Enough – Role of Multimodality Imaging
Gillian Nesbitt, Canada
Echo Monitoring in Context of Therapy & Guidelines
Gillian Nesbitt, Canada
Echo Monitoring in Context of Therapy & Guidelines
11:30 - 12:05 |  Plenary 6
11:30-12:05 11:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View EACVI Lecture

Jeroen Bax, Netherlands
TAVR in Moderate Risk Patient
Jeroen Bax, Netherlands
TAVR in Moderate Risk Patient
12:05 - 13:00 |  Lunch – Poster Sessions and Exhibition
12:05-13:00 12:05 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Lunch, Posters and Exhibits
12:45 - 14:00 |  Learning Labs 2 and Sonographer Workshop 1
12:45-14:00 12:45 St-Laurent 5 St-Laurent 5 Learning Labs 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)

Yannis Amador, Canada
Learning Lab 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)
Yannis Amador, Canada
Learning Lab 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)
Jacobo Moreno Garijo, Canada
Learning Labs 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)
Jacobo Moreno Garijo, Canada
Learning Labs 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)
Karima Addetia, United States
Learning Lab 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)
Karima Addetia, United States
Learning Lab 2A: 3D in the ICU (Philips)
12:45-14:00 12:45 St-Laurent 6 St-Laurent 6 Learning Labs 2B: Strain - The Right Heart (GE)

François Tournoux, Canada
Learning Lab 2B: Strain - The Right Heart (GE) **EN FRANÇAIS**
François Tournoux, Canada
Learning Lab 2B: Strain - The Right Heart (GE) **EN FRANÇAIS**
Michael Chetrit, Canada
Learning Lab 2B: Strain - The Right Heart (GE) **EN FRANÇAIS**
Michael Chetrit, Canada
Learning Lab 2B: Strain - The Right Heart (GE) **EN FRANÇAIS**
12:45-14:00 12:45 St-Laurent 8 St-Laurent 8 Learning Lab 2C: Approach to the Thick Heart (GE)

Chi-Ming Chow, Canada
Chi-Ming Chow, Canada
Nowell Fine, Canada
Nowell Fine, Canada
Marie-Josée Blais, Canada
Marie-Josée Blais, Canada
Allan Klein, United States
Learning Lab 2C: Approach to the Thick Heart (GE)
Allan Klein, United States
Learning Lab 2C: Approach to the Thick Heart (GE)
12:45-14:00 12:45 St-Laurent 7 St-Laurent 7 Workshop: Sonographer Workshop 1

Robin Ducas, Canada
Robin Ducas, Canada
Jasmine Grewal, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Jasmine Grewal, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Minqi Yu, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Minqi Yu, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
13:00 - 14:15 |  Plenary 7
13:00-14:15 13:00 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View Critical Care Echo

Jordan Hutson, Canada
Role of Echo in Cardiogenic Shock
Jordan Hutson, Canada
Role of Echo in Cardiogenic Shock
Paul Mayo, United States
TEE in the Hemodynamically Unstable Patient
Paul Mayo, United States
TEE in the Hemodynamically Unstable Patient
Andre Denault, Canada
Non Cardiac Ultrasound in the ICU
Andre Denault, Canada
Non Cardiac Ultrasound in the ICU
Ghislaine Doufle, Canada
ECHO for the ECMO Patient
Ghislaine Doufle, Canada
ECHO for the ECMO Patient
14:15 - 15:30 |  Learning Labs 3 and Sonographer Workshop 2
14:15-15:30 14:15 St-Laurent 6 St-Laurent 6 Learning Labs 3A: 3D - The Mitral Valve (GE) **EN FRANÇAIS**

Jean Buithieu, Canada
Jean Buithieu, Canada
Jonathan Beaudoin, Canada
Jonathan Beaudoin, Canada
Igal A. Sebag, Canada
Learning Lab 3A: 3D - The Mitral Valve (GE) ""EN FRANÇAIS""
Igal A. Sebag, Canada
Learning Lab 3A: 3D - The Mitral Valve (GE) ""EN FRANÇAIS""
14:15-15:30 14:15 St-Laurent 5 St-Laurent 5 Learning Labs 3B: Strain - The Left Heart (Philips)

Sabe De, Canada
Sabe De, Canada
Sarah Blissett, Canada
Sarah Blissett, Canada
Travis Kowlessar, Canada
Travis Kowlessar, Canada
Cyrus Tariq, Canada
Cyrus Tariq, Canada
Anthony DeMaria, United States
Learning Lab 3B: Strain-The Left Heart (Philips)
Anthony DeMaria, United States
Learning Lab 3B: Strain-The Left Heart (Philips)
14:15-15:30 14:15 St-Laurent 8 St-Laurent 8 Learning Labs 3C: Approach to the Thick Heart (GE)

Nowell Fine, Canada
Nowell Fine, Canada
Chi-Ming Chow, Canada
Chi-Ming Chow, Canada
Marie-Josée Blais, Canada
Marie-Josée Blais, Canada
Stephen Little, United States
Learning Lab 3C: Approach to the Thick Heart (GE)
Stephen Little, United States
Learning Lab 3C: Approach to the Thick Heart (GE)
14:15-15:30 14:15 St-Laurent 7 St-Laurent 7 Workshop: Sonographer Workshop 2

Robin Ducas, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Robin Ducas, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Mathieu Cenacle, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Mathieu Cenacle, Canada
Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Shelby Kutty, United States
Sonographer Workshop 2: Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
Shelby Kutty, United States
Sonographer Workshop 2: Congenital Heart Disease (GE)
14:15 - 15:15 |  Plenary 8
14:15-15:15 14:15 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View Cardio-Oncology

Kibar Yared, Canada
The “Cardio-onc” Patient: Imaging Protocols and Technical Pearls
Kibar Yared, Canada
The “Cardio-onc” Patient: Imaging Protocols and Technical Pearls
Doug Hayami, Canada
Echo for Early Diagnosis of Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity
Doug Hayami, Canada
Echo for Early Diagnosis of Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity
Ian Paterson, Canada
Multimodality Imaging in Cardio-Oncology
Ian Paterson, Canada
Multimodality Imaging in Cardio-Oncology
15:15 - 15:30 |  Nutrition Break – Poster Sessions and Exhibition
15:15-15:30 15:15 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Nutrition Break, Poster and Exhibition
15:30 - 18:15 |  Plenary 9, Classic Cases and CSE Gameshow
15:30-16:30 15:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View How to Optimize Everyday Echo Procedures - Case Based

Thi Kim Hanh Nguyen, Canada
How to Integrate 3D Volume and EF of the LV into ‘Working Echo Lab’ Practice
Thi Kim Hanh Nguyen, Canada
How to Integrate 3D Volume and EF of the LV into ‘Working Echo Lab’ Practice
Vartan Mardigyan, Canada
Tips and Tricks for Successful Pericardiocentesis
Vartan Mardigyan, Canada
Tips and Tricks for Successful Pericardiocentesis
Rob Moss, Canada
Overcoming TEE Probe Insertion Challenges
Rob Moss, Canada
Overcoming TEE Probe Insertion Challenges
16:30-17:30 16:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View Classic Cases Across Canada

Robbie Stewart, Canada
Robbie Stewart, Canada
Warner Mampuya, Canada
Warner Mampuya, Canada
Steven Promislow, Canada
Steven Promislow, Canada
Parvathy Nair, Canada
Parvathy Nair, Canada
17:30-18:15 17:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View CSE Gameshow - "Because Echo"
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