Universal Time: 10:49  |  Local Time: 03:49 (-4h GMT)
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13:00 - 14:30 |  Welcome and Plenary 1
13:00-14:30 13:00 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View Back to the Basics: How to Look Good with Practical Tips to Optimize Images and Assure Quality Improvement

Kenneth Szeto, Canada
The View from Here - Finding Challenging Windows
Kenneth Szeto, Canada
The View from Here - Finding Challenging Windows
Maude Pagé, Canada
Contrast Imaging - When and How to Make it Best
Maude Pagé, Canada
Contrast Imaging - When and How to Make it Best
Karima Addetia, United States
3-D Imaging - Pearls and Pitfalls
Karima Addetia, United States
3-D Imaging - Pearls and Pitfalls
Wendy Tsang, Canada
Speckle-Tracking - Accept or Reject?
Wendy Tsang, Canada
Speckle-Tracking - Accept or Reject?
Robin Ducas, Canada
Wrapping it Up - Quality Improvement Strategies
Robin Ducas, Canada
Wrapping it Up - Quality Improvement Strategies
14:30 - 14:35 |  Break
14:35 - 16:05 |  Plenary 2
14:35-16:05 14:35 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View The Rapidly Growing Field of Trans-Catheter Procedures: Is My Patient a Candidate?

Arsène Basmadjian, Canada
The "Complex" Patient with Severe AS (severe MR/TR, BAV, etc.): Should My Patient (Still) Undergo TAVR?
Arsène Basmadjian, Canada
The "Complex" Patient with Severe AS (severe MR/TR, BAV, etc.): Should My Patient (Still) Undergo TAVR?
Rob Moss, Canada
Severe MR: Examining Anatomical Criteria for Device Suitability
Rob Moss, Canada
Severe MR: Examining Anatomical Criteria for Device Suitability
Karima Addetia, United States
Severe TR: A Burgeoning New Field with An Urgent Need for Imaging Training
Karima Addetia, United States
Severe TR: A Burgeoning New Field with An Urgent Need for Imaging Training
Michael Chetrit, Canada
Before and After LAA Closure: What Do I Need to Know?
Michael Chetrit, Canada
Before and After LAA Closure: What Do I Need to Know?
Stephen Little, United States
Clues to Complications: Don't Miss the Zebras!
Stephen Little, United States
Clues to Complications: Don't Miss the Zebras!
16:05 - 16:30 |  Nutrition Break and Exhibition
16:05-16:30 16:05 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Nutrition Break and Exhibit
16:30 - 18:30 |  Featured Symposium
16:30-18:30 16:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 View The Brave New World of Artificial Intelligence and Beyond - What Does it Mean for Echo?

Christina Luong, Canada
AI Applications in Image Acquisition
Christina Luong, Canada
AI Applications in Image Acquisition
François Tournoux, Canada
AI Applications in Image Intepretation
François Tournoux, Canada
AI Applications in Image Intepretation
Carolyn Lam, Singapore
AI Echo Applications in Cardiac Screening
Carolyn Lam, Singapore
AI Echo Applications in Cardiac Screening
Shelby Kutty, United States
Keynote: Machine Intelligence in Echocardiography: From Diagnostics to Prediction
Shelby Kutty, United States
Keynote: Machine Intelligence in Echocardiography: From Diagnostics to Prediction
18:30 - 19:30 |  President's Reception and Exhibition
18:30-19:30 18:30 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall President's Reception and Exhibition
19:30 - 22:00 |  Dinner & CSE Awards
19:30-22:00 19:30 Montreal 4-5 Montreal 4-5 Dinner and Awards
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