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Plenary Session
Stressing the Heart

Sunday April 21, 2024 | 13:30 to 14:30
Room: Montreal 4-5
Track: N/A

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Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: • Understand the role of ultrasound enhancing agents (contrast echo) in the assessment of suspected ischemic heart disease • Describe the performance and interpretation of stress echo techniques utilized to assess the dyspneic patient. • Discuss the indications for and techniques employed in the stress echo evaluation of patients with valvular heart disease.


Dr. Howard Leong-Poi, Canada
For Chest Pain - From Wall Motion to Perfusion

Dr. Annabel Chen-Tournoux, Canada
For Dyspnea - Diastolic Function and RVSP

Dr. Christine Henri, Canada
For Valve Assessment

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